Corinne has recently returned from adjudicating the three week NIAA Eisteddfod in Harare, Zimbabwe. She had the pleasure of hearing a multitude of young musicians perform solo as well as in orchestras.
The Performing Arts Centre logo at the Harare International School.
It was particularly wonderful to see so many students studying to play such a wide variety of instruments, including double bass, trombone, oboe and bassoon. A particular highlight were the choirs, of both school age children and adults. The standard was very impressive.

Children who played in one of the String Solo classes at Prince Edward School.
The Eisteddfod took place in several centres: The Music School and Prince Edward Senior School, The Twin Rivers School and Harare International School.

The stage is set at HIS. Let the choir classes begin!
At the end of the festival, Corinne gave open lessons for both pianists and instrumentalists. It was a wonderful opportunity for her to be able to work with young Zimbabweans and to offer something back to the society from whom she gained so much.

At Chisipite Senior School ready to begin the masterclass.
While she was in Harare, Corinne gave an “Ebony, Ivory” concert in aid of the Braeside Home for the Destitute, raising over US$900 for this worthy cause. Other highlights included exploring Haka Game Park at Greendale with her niece and a visit to Dombashawa for sundowners with Festival Director, Nicky Hammond and vocal adjudicator André Serfontein visiting from Cape Town.

At Dombashawa for sundowners.